I believe in the potential in every single person

I have trained in some of the worlds´most best known programs and combined with my own journey of resilience and adaptation, coupled with pushing the limits and living outside of “comfort zones” - im here and ready to help you succeed and get the most out of yourself and your life.



Taking control and responsibility of your life starts with taking control and responsibility of your own breathing.

I guide people how to optimise their own breathing.

I train trainers how to guide and facilitate breathwork classes and courses.

I facilitate breathwork experiences that allow personal breakthroughs, create awakenings, create connection with the self, others and the universe and most importantly……

…….find the “magic shit” within people.


You can book me to appear at your event, conference, retreat or simply have me speak or present at your next company/corporate event. 

Example topics:

- Re-spiritual Awakening 

- Breathe the way you want to live

- How the cold changed my life

- What i learned from training with three Guinness Book of Record Holders

- Stop breathing to save your life and live longer

- Humanimals - how humans have used breathing to become more animal like

- The Respiratory System - the ultimate story of resiliency and survival

- Under the Ice 

- How to use Cold Exposure to improve your health

- Breathwork: The new yoga


Nasal breathing is nature's way. We are all born breathing using our noses, but over time some of us have lost the capability. 

Nasal breathing is the cleanest and most hygienic way to breathe with the air being treated temperature & humidity wise as well as filtered from particles.

64% of people have mis-shapen nostrils and this can prohibit nasal breathing.

These reusable nasal dilators are carefully crafted to flare open the nostril walls so that oxygen flow is made possible at a higher rate. 

Nasal dilators help treat and reduce snoring and sleep apnea symptoms by increasing air flow in the nostrils and paranasal sinus.

They also aid in sports performance and have helped many to regain the use of the nose in breathing during exercise and especially cardiovascular activity. 

It is estimated that nasal breathing retains approximately 44% more moisture in the body, reducing dehydration during exercise.


Educate yourself about cold exposure and learn from professionals in a safe setting. Learn the science and theory and then put that knowledge to the test with fun and exciting practicals.


Breathwork can help manage physical and mental pain, anxiety, stress and can even help manage your hormones and overall energy production in your body.

Breathing is linked to practically everything in your body. Managing these systems allows you to influence your potential and outcomes in life.

Available for


This book shares the one key of how every single living being that graces this earth, is indeed already connected spiritually.

We are all inherently connected spiritually via the breath, regardless of race, colour, religious background, belief mechanism, or genetic makeup.
— Leigh Ewin




Breathwork Guide PDF

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