The Re-spiritual Awakening


For many of us, the deepest and most meaningful journey we can embark on is that of finding the meaning of life. We are social animals and yet we are finding ourselves more and more frequently in solitude or on our own - often convincing ourselves that we are “connected” through technology, devices or social media. 

True connection is what we are seeking. Becoming aware of what we are and what we hope to partake in during this journey represents this meaning. Between the physical nature of how we walk this planet and how our minds are in constant thought and processing the events and stimuli of this experience we call life, lies the deeper meaning to it all - the spirit or even soul. 

This book shares the one key of how every single living being that graces this earth, is indeed already connected spiritually. 

Irrespective of race, colour, religious background, belief mechanism or genetic makeup, we are all inherently connected spiritually - via the breath. 

The “human spirit” has long been referred to as the driving force for meaning and purpose in life. This includes the way we interact with the world, from achieving certain accolades, creating art, building incredible structures, designing the world itself, playing music, learning skills, defining relationships, finding love and building a family - spirit is the quintessential. 

This book is a reintroduction to the true and organic meaning behind what it is to be “spiritual” whilst serving as a gentle yet stirring reminder that perhaps all humans are indeed the same, and spirituality is the one thing that bonds and unites us as humans.

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